
Weapons of Rafale jet (Missiles)

Weapons of Rafale jet for Indian Air Force 
(Missiles only)
The Dassault Rafale is a 4.5 generation multi-role fighter jet manufactured by Dassault corporation for French Air Force & Navy. It is an omnirole aircraft which can perform air supermacy, in-depth strike, anti-ship strike and nuclear deterrence missions.

It will replace Su-30MKI as the best fighter jet in Indian Air Force. Indian Air Force has ordered 36 jets, 2 squadron (28 single-seat and 8 dual-seat).

Weapons package for Indian Air Force:

1. Meteor BVRAAM Missile 
Meteor is the next generation of Beyond Visual Range Air-to-air Missile (BVRAAM) with a effective kill range of 150 km. Currently, it is the best air-to-air missile in the world. It's no-escape zone of over 60 km is largest among all air-to-air missiles.
It will provide air superiority to Indian Air Force over Chinese & Pakistani air force.

Operational range: 150 km (60 km+ No-Escape zone)
Maximum Speed:   Mach 4+

2. MICA Missile 
Mica is a multi-target air-to-air missile with a range of 80 km. It is a dual role missile. It is able to cope with both BVR or WVR targets and exhibits high performance and can cruise at Mach 4.

Operational range: 500 m- 80 km
Maximum speed: Mach 4

3. SCALPE Missile aka Storm Shadow 
The Storm Shadow/ SCALP is a long range, subsonic, air-launched cruise missile with a range of more than 500 km. The missile is intended to strike high-value targets such as airbases, radar installations, naval ports with its 450 kg warhead. With it's long-range, stealth, it is capable of engaging targets precisely in any weather conditions.
It will increase IAF airstrike capability.

Operational range: 560 km
Maximum speed: 1000 km/h (Mach 0.8- 0.95)
Warhead: 450 kg (BROACH warhead)


Launch Vehicles of ISRO

  Launch Vehicles of ISRO 

There are 5 types of launch vehicles developed by ISRO, in which 2 have been retired (GSLV  Mk I, a variant of GSLV have also been retired) & 3 are in service.

There are 3 launch vehicles currently used by ISRO:

1. Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV):
Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) is an expendable medium-lift launch vehicle designed and operated by Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). It is the third generation launch vehicle of India. It is the 1st Indian launch vehicle to be equipped with liquid stages. After its first successful launch in October 1994, PSLV emerged as the reliable and versatile workhorse  launch vehicle of India with 39 consequently successful missions  by June 2017.
    Some notable payload launch by PSLV include India's 1st lunar probe, Chandrayaan-1, India's 1st interplanetary mission, Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan) & India's 1st space observatory, Astrosat.
   As of December 2019, PSLV has launched 319 foreign satellites from 33 countries. On 15th February 2017, PSLV C37 had successfully developed 104 satellite in sun- synchronous orbit.
  As of December 2019, the PSLV has made 50 launches with 47 successfully reaching their planned orbits, 2 outright failure and 1 partial failure, yielding a success rate of  94%.

Vehicle Specification 

 Height: 44 m
Diameter: 2.8 m
Number of Stages: 4
Lift off Mass: 320 tonnes (XL)
Variants: 5(PSLV-G, PSLV-CA, Pslv-XL, PSLV-DL, PSLV-QL)
First Flight: 10th September, 1993

Technical Specifications 

Payload to LEO: 3800 kg
Payload to SSO: 1750 kg
Payload to Sub GTO: 1425 kg
Payload to GTO: 1200 kg

2. Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV)
GSLV is an expendable medium- lift launch vehicle operated by ISRO. It is the 4th generation launch vehicle of India. It is a three stage vehicle  with four liquid strap-ons. The indigenously developed cryogenic engine, forms the third stage.
South Asia Satellite is a notable payload launched by GSLV, the satellite is in service with all SAARC countries (except Pakistan).
GSLV was used in 13 launches from 2001 to 2018, with more launches panned in future. Is has 8 successful launches, 2 partial failure & 3 failure, with a overall success rate of 61%.
GSLV Mk I had a success rate of 33% & GSLV Mk II has a success rate of 85%.
Vehicle  Specification:

Height: 49.13 m
Diameter: 2.8 m
Number of stages: 3
Lift off Mass: 414.75 tonnes 
Variant: GSLV Mk I (retired)
              GSLV Mk II (in service)
First flight: 18th April, 2001

Technical Specifications:

Payload to LEO: 5000 kg
Payload to GTO: 2700 kg

3. GSLV Mark III 
The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III (GSLV Mk III) also known as the Launch Vehicle Mark 3 (LVM 3) is a three stage expandable medium- lift launch vehicle developed by ISRO. It is primarily designed to launch communication satellites into geostationary orbit, it is also developed as a launch vehicle for crewed mission under the Indian Human Spaceflight Programme
Notable payloads  launched by GSLV MkIII are CARE (Crew Module Atmospheric Re-entry Equipment) & Chandrayaan-2, India's 2nd lunar mission.
In future it will be used to carry Gaganyaan, the first crew mission under Indian Human Spaceflight Programme.
The 1st state consists of two S200 solid motors, also known as Large Solid Boosters (LSB) attached to the core stage. The 2nd stage, L110 is a liquid- fuelled stage, it is powered by two Vikas 2 engines. The cryogenic upper stage, C25, it is powered by CE-20 engine.
GSLV Mk III has made 4 launches with 4 successful launches, with a success rate of 100%.
Vehicle Specifications:

Height: 43.4 m
Diameter: 4 m
Number of stages: 3
Lift off Mass: 640 tonnes 
First flight: 18th December, 2014

Technical Specifications:
Payload to LEO: 10000 kg
Payload to GTO: 4000 kg


Central Acquisition Radar ( 3D- CAR)

Central Acquisition Radar (3D-CAR)
The 3D- CAR is a 3D radar developed by DRDO for multiple purposes uses for Indian Air Force, Indian Army and Indian Navy. These radars are commonly known as Ronini radar.

It is capable of tracking 150 targets simultaneously. It is also capable of detecting low- altitude targets such as cruise missiles, and can also track supersonic aircrafts & missiles flying at over Mach 3 speed. 

# 3D- CAR: Used in Akash SAM defence system along with    Rajendra radar . Used in Indian Air Force & Indian Army. More than 100 radars are produced.

# 3D- TCR: Tactical Control Radar built for Indian Army.
# Revathi Radar: It is built for Indian Navy. Used as Primary Surveillance radar on Shivalik class frigates & Kamorta class corvettes.


Type: Secondary Surveillance Radar 
Frequency: S band
Range: 200 km+
Altitude: 18 km
Number built: 200+

Indian Air Force:- 3D- CAR variant used in Akash SAM defence system 

Indian Army: 3D- CAR variant in Akash SAM defence system;
                       3D- TCR variant Tactical Control Radar

Indian Navy: Revathi variant on Shivalik class frigates & Kamorta class corvettes 

Rajendra Radar

Rajendra Radar 

It is a 3D passive electronically scanned scanned array (PESA) radar developed by DRDO. It is a multifunction radar, capable of surveillance, tracking and engaging low radar cross section targets. It is the heart of Akash SAM system. It is used along with 3D- CAR in Akash SAM defence system.
It can track up to 64 targets and engage up to 4 targets simultaneously.

Swathi WLR is the Weapon Locating Radar variant.
Read more:- Swathi WLR Radar


Type: Fire- control radar 
Frequency: G/H for surveillance 
                    I/J for engagement 
Range: 4 km - 150 km for 2m^2   targets
Altitude: 30 m - 18 km
Azimuth: 360°
Number built: 32+ 

Users: Indian Air Force & Indian Army