
Top 5 ICBM in the world

   Top 5 ICBM in the World 
   (SLBM not included)

5.  DF-31 AG (China)

     It is the newest ICBM developed in China. It is a road-mobile based system. 

     Range: 11200 km
     MIRV: 3
     Blast Yield: 20, 90 or 150 kT each
     CEP: 150 m

4.  DF-41 (China)

     It is currently the most powerful ICBM developed in China.
     It is road- mobile based system.

     Year deployed: 2016- 2017
      Range: 12000 km
      MIRV: 10 

3.  LGM-30 G Minuteman (USA)

    It is the most numerous ICBM that USA has. It was the 1st     MIRV capable ICBM in the world. It is a silo- based missile.

   Year deployed: 1970
   Range: 13000 km
   MIRV: 3
   Blast yield: 300- 500 kT
   CEP: 120 m
   Number built: 450

2.  RS-24 Yars (Russia)

     It is an improved version of the previous RS-12 M Topal- M.
     It was developed both as a road- mobile based & silo based missile. The Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle has    been tested with this missile.

     Year deployed: 2010
     Range: 12000 km
     MIRV: 6
     Blast yield: 100- 300 kT
     Number built: 63 road- mobile based 
                             10 silo based 

1.  R-36 M2 Voyevoda (Russia)

     It is an improved  version of R-36 M family. It is a silo based missile. It is currently the longest range ICBM in the world. After 2020, the R-36 M will be replaced by R-28 Sarmat ICBM which is currently being developed in Russia.

    Year deployed: 1988
    Range: 16000 km
    MIRV: 10 
    Blast yield: 0.75- 1 MT
    CEP: 220 m
   Number built: 58

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