
DRDO Smart Anti-Airfield Wepeon (SAAW)

DRDO Smart Anti-Airfield Wepeon (SAAW)

The DRDO Smart Anti-Airfield Wepeon (SAAW) is a long-range precision-guided anti-airfield wepeon developed by Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). It is capable of engaging ground targets with high precision up to a range of 100 km (62 mi).

   The SAAW is a being developed by the Research Center Imarat (RCI), and other DRDO laboratories in collaboration with the Indian Air Force. It is a light-weight high precision guided bomb designed to destroy ground targets, such as runways, bunkers, aircraft hangars and other reinforced structures. Weighing about 120 kg (260 lb), it has deep penetration capabilities, it carries a high explosive warhead and has a stand off range of 100 km (62 mi). It is India's first indigenous anti-airfield wepeon, which is designed and developed by DRDO.
  The SAAW can currently be launched from Jaguar and Su-30 MKI aircrafts. The Jaguar is capable of carrying 6 such wepeons & Su-30 MKI is capable of carrying 20 such wepeons.

Type: Precision-guided Anti-Airfield glide bomb
Manufacturer: DRDO, Ordinance Factory Board

Mass:                        125 kg (276 lb)
Length:.                     1.85 m
Warhead:.                  72.5 kg (160 lb)
Operational Range:  100 km
Accuracy:                  <3 m CEP

Future Air-to-surface Wepeons of IAF

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